The 52,000 word manuscript is divided into two parts. The first part has 22 chapters of a total of 61. Many chapters are just 1-3 pages in length. A couple are longer, up to 7 or 10 pages.

Here is a list of the chapter headings.

  1. Philosopher
  2. Surgery
  3. Fight
  4. Ships
  5. Life on Willingdon Island
  6. The College Years
  7. Bombay
  8. The Interview
  9. Dufferin
  10. Dufferin Madness
  11. An Unpleasant Incident
  12. Shore Leave in Bombay
  13. Apprenticeship: 1968-69
  14. My Father
  15. Second Mate’s Exam
  16. Officer
  17. A Home for My Mother
  18. Death in Rajkot
  19. Kalim
  20. The Don
  21. Ranu
  22. Captain
  23. First Assignement
  24. Storm in the Singapore Strait
  25. It Took me Ten Years
  26. Mutiny Anyone
  27. Devil on the High Seas
  28. A Place Called Home
  29. Piloting in Madras
  30. What Goes Around
  31. The Supply Ship Scene
  32. Learning the Ropes
  33. Ship Adrift
  34. The Drillship Drill
  35. Offshore Leisure
  36. Nouakchott
  37. Chickened Out
  38. The First Stowaway
  39. Suez
  40. Two More Stowaways
  41. Sulphur
  42. Fish, Parrots, Plankton, Coffee
  43. A Costly Miscalculation
  44. Forgery in Yanbu
  45. Piloting in Yanbu
  46. Goodbye Yanbu
  47. Amamapare
  48. My Thoughts on the Lunar Calendar
  49. Growlers in Newfoundland
  50. Twins
  51. All About a Bulb
  52. A Seaman’s Grit
  53. Freak Waves
  54. A Disagreeable Situation
  55. Cook
  56. On Officers and Engineers
  57. A Brush with the Bombay Underworld
  58. A Pinch of Piracy
  59. Shortcut
  60. Man Overboard
  61. The Other Radio Officer
  62. The Last Assignment

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